As sweet as coffee

Last week we were trying to charm away the horrible black coffee which is often drunk by the adults and today we will focus on the coffee which might be tempting even for children - caffè gommosa.

Maybe the idea of coffee being tempting to children sounds a bit crazy to you, I assure you that any kid will hear if they want to drink coffee with marshmallow, they will go for it. 

All you need to prepare caffè gommosa is one marshmallow and one shot of espresso. You have to pour it over a marshmallow and you obtain a thick, spongy and incredibly sweet coffee. The name is no coincidence because it means rubbery coffee which exactly describes the resulting beverage.  Sometimes more marshmallows are added on the top to make it even sweeter, but I think it can end with diabetes. 

May your coffee taste great! 
Your Coffee Monster 💜


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